Hello, I'm Dominic.
I'm an AI Engineer at Johns Hopkins APL working in the Force Projection Sector. I am interested in symbolic artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, reinforcement learning, and autonomous flight.
Within the field of computer science, I am interested in exploring a breadth of topics. From the robust systems that sustain the modern web to the emerging technologies reshaping it, we're experiencing a unique abundance of information.
I strive to continuously develop a unique balance of technical depth, strong interpersonal skills, and an appreciation of humanities. We live in an interconnected world, and without certain human skills, our tech will only get us so far. If the world could be boiled down to neat equations, we wouldn't have so many problems.
When I'm not clacking away at a keyboard, you'll find me spending quality time with friends and family, skateboarding around the city, reading a good book, or enjoying a nice cup of coffee.
Looking for more of my work? Check out my GitHub! Or, if you're interested in similar topics as I am, maybe you'll find my blog interesting.